Enbridge’s Plans

Enbridge sent a letter to all landowners along the line claiming that they were not moving forward with the pipeline. In fact, they accused groups of trying to make money off of the claim that a new pipeline was coming.   This was inconsistent with what they were telling their investors, however.   They also made public statements in response to a student-led march in March.  Read the response one of the students wrote here.

About a month prior to mailing the letter, they gave a presentation to their investors called Positioning for Growth Beyond 2019: The Line 61 Twin in which they discussed their plans for the pipeline.

Here is a copy of that slide:
E Slide

This proof is just in addition to the other things we know:

  • The slide about the Line 61-twin appeared in their Investor Presentation as recent as January 2016. (It was taken down in early March)
  • They announced plans to move forward on the pipeline to investors in the Spring of 2015
  • In the Fall of 2015, they announced their plans to the Canadian media
  • They have applied for and received some permits to bring the additional oil into Superior via the Line 3 Replacement project.  It has to get South through other pipelines.  Until they cancel the Line 3 Replacement, they will need the new pipeline.
    SmallerOil In; Oil Out
  • They worked with the legislature to change the eminent domain laws (something you wouldn’t do unless you planned to exercise this new option at some point)
  • Surveyed additional property along the entire pipeline route through Wisconsin, which included, in preparation for permitting, gathering archaeological and biological data on landowners’ properties.

Additionally, they have spent the past two years trying to buy goodwill in the community.  This included donations to fire stations, food pantries, and emergency responders.  In Marshfield, they even partnered with Kwik Trip to give $20 gas cards out to the public one morning.  Though these donations are often appreciated, they do not compensate for the risks that are placed on our communities.  They have also begun joining Departments of Commerce in communities that the line passes and Enbridge staff/contractors have begun running for local office.